Return To Truth

From The Cradle To The Cross

Season 4 Episode 14

As we reflect on the story of Jesus's birth this season, we are reminded of the greater purpose He came to fulfill. His life was not just to live, but to die on a cross—an event foretold from the very beginning. This episode brings us face to face with the magnitude of God's love, which was manifested in the gift of Jesus—born to die for our sins, so that we might live forever. There is more to Christmas than just a Christmas tree, let us explore the connection between the tree of Eden, the tree of Calvary, and the tree of Life in eternity. This is a celebration not of glittering gifts, but of the greatest gifts ever given—the gift of forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life through the cross. Let this Christmas be a reminder that the cradle and the cross were always connected.

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